Faszination Franziskus

Interdisziplinäre Begegnungen mit dem „Kleinen Bruder“ und einer großen Oper

Francis of Assisi is one of the outstanding personalities of the Middle Ages. His lifestyle and message enrich Christian spirituality with a new connection to all living things. His ideal of poverty and freedom, as well as his poetry show their impact until our present time in religion, in literature, in music, in painting, in ethics.

On the occasion of the opera performance Saint François d'Assise by Olivier Messiaen in the Staatsoper Stuttgart, we invite you to an interdisciplinary study day with workshops, encounters and discussions on the fascination of the saint from Assisi and the significance of the "little brother" for our time.

The event is part of the festival Music of the Invisible for the Stuttgart production of Saint François d'Assise.

Morning: Services in St. Eberhard, St. Fidelis and the Hospital Church and Tantalizingly Sweet Solitude in the Opera House.

14:00: Francis in Relationships. Lifelines of the Saint / Keynote by Prof. Dr. Volker Leppin, Yale Divinity School

15:30 - 18:00: Talks & Workshops and Conversations

- The "little brother" as a great art star. Representations of St. Francis in the visual arts
- Corporeality and Religion - in the Middle Ages and Today
- Franciscan Life. Insights and interpretations
- Messiaen's composition
- The Stuttgart production

18:00 - 18:30: Musical conclusion in the Hospital Church

A cooperation of the Staatsoper Stuttgart, the Kath. Bildungswerk Stuttgart, the Kath. Stadtdekanat Stuttgart, the Spiritual Center station s, the Academy of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, the protestant church in the City and the Evang. Bildungszentrum Hospitalhof Stuttgart
a production of the protestant and catholic church Stuttgart