Präsenz des Göttlichen


Olivier Messiaen Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine
Francis Poulenc Quatre petites prières de Saint Francois d`Assise

Talk with students, Christoph Sökler (Head of Education/Deputy Artistic Director of the Junge Oper im Nord, JOiN), Lydia Schimmer (Cathedral Conductor) and Dr. Christian Hermes (City Dean of Stuttgart and Cathedral Pastor of the Cathedral Parish of St. Eberhard).

The St. Eberhard Girls' Choir, together with the St. Eberhard Cathedral Chapel and musicians from the Stuttgart State Orchestra, will perform Olivier Messiaen's Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine and Francis Poulenc's Quatre petites prières de Saint Francois d`Assise. In addition to the extraordinary concert, Christoph Sökler, Lydia Schimmer and Christian Hermes will walk together with students in the footsteps of Saint Francis.
An event of the St Eberhard’s Cathedral