Matthias Heep


Matthias Heep Music Theatre for children aged 9 and above Commissioned by Junge Oper Stuttgart
Nobody knows where Momo has come from, when she suddenly arrives. In a very mysterious way Momo seems to influence all the people who are visiting her: the people change the way they behave with each other, they stop their arguing and start to play and enjoy living.

As composer and lyricist Matthias Heep transforms Michael Ende's well-known German fantasy novel into a fascinating and poetical opera for children and adults. His music shows a new and sensual aspect on the age-old mysteries of time and of human existence.
1. Act: approx. 1 hour
- Interval: approx. 30 min -
2. Act: approx. 1 hour 15 min
World Premiere 6 June 2013