Richard Wagner


Richard Wagner with German supertitles
The survival of the Holy Grail’s community is threatened by King Amfortas‘ wound which he received by the magician Klingsor. The only hope that the men have left now is the arrival of a so-called »innocent fool«, who has to become »knowledgeable by empathy«. Parsifal is the chosen one, but is unaware of his appointment as the redeemer of their plight. The seeress Kundry takes it upon her to show him his destiny.

Richard Wagner‘s »Bühnenweihfestspiel« (Consecrated Stage Festival) unfolds its »Good Friday magic« in archaic simplicity coupled with bold harmony bordering on elements of atonal music.
Act I.  appr. 1 hour 35 min.
Intermission: 30-40 min.
Act II: ca. 1 hour
Intermission: 30 min.
Act III: ca. 1 hour 10 min.
In total: ca. 5 hours 15 min.
Revival 25 February 2018