Weihnachtsgeschichten aus Spanien

Die gebürtige Spanierin Laia Vallés ist seit der Spielzeit 2020/21 Mitglied des Opernstudios der Staatsoper Stuttgart. In diesem Beitrag erzählt sie über die Bedeutung der Weihnachtskrippe in Spanien sowie über ihre liebste Tradition.
A piece of our history

The nativity scene is the representation of the birth of Jesus in the grip. Surrounded by Maria and Jose, the ox and the mule, the shepherds who came to make offerings as well as the visit of the three wise men from the East. The habit of putting Belen in all the houses in Spain was spread throughout Italy when the story about Greccio's miracle (The human big grip started by San Francisco de Asis) ran word of mouth all over the country. It was King Carlos III, who had been King of Naples before becoming King of Spain, who brought this tradition from Italy to the Iberian Peninsula. Charles III first promoted the custom of setting up the Nativity scene among the nobles, but the practice soon became popular in the town and spread to Latin America as well.

Places to visit

You can find some of the best nativity scenes in all our territory. One of them is the Neapolitan Bethlehem of the Royal Palace of Madrid, also known as Bethlehem of the Prince, it is another of those that never fail at this time. It has its origin in the birth that King Carlos III (18th century) began to collect for his son, and has been completed in the 21st century, with more than 200 Neapolitan figures and houses. Also, in the center of Madrid we can find the Nativity Scene of the church of San Ginés (Calle Arenal, 13), with a Baroque Mystery. Following that same street to Puerta del Sol we find the Bethlehem of the Community of Madrid, which has more than 400 figures.
Another unavoidable visit is the Great Monumental Bethlehem of Alcalá de Henares, of the Complutense Association of Nativity Scene, which is presented in the old GAL factory. To the 250 square meters of exhibition, we must add five square meters of donated nativity scenes plus dioramas and other small works of nativity scene art.

Christmas memories

When I was a child in Christmas holidays I liked to went to the round square in Valencia to buy handmade figures for our nativity scene. I was going with my family and the streets were decorated with tipical christmas ornaments and Christmas lights. It is a tradition in Valencia and a very beautiful experience to remember.